Přihlašování abstraktů na EuroCARTO 2020
Jakub | 13.5.2020 | Všechny zprávy
Přihlašování abstraktů na středoevropskou kartografickou konferenci EuroCARTO 2020, která se bude (fyzicky) konat 20. - 22. září 2020 ve Vídni, bylo prodlouženo do 15. 5. 2020. Pokud máte tedy nějaký příspěvek zapadající do tematických okruhů konference, přihlašte se na následujícím odkaze: https://eurocarto2020.org/abstract-submission/
Tematické okruhy:
Art and cartography
Map Design, Usability and Cognition
GeoVisual Analytics and Multivariate Big Data Mapping
Topographic Mapping, Generalization and Updates
Collaborative Mapping, VGI and Crowdsourcing
Thematic Cartography, Atlas Cartography and Mapping Statistical Data
Internet Mapping and Storytelling with Maps
Map Production and Geoinformation Management
Location Based Services and Location Based Social Media
Virtual reality, augmented reality and 3D mapping
Cartographic Education and Online Cartography Courses
Cartography and Sustainable Development Goals
- Art and cartographyMap Design,Usability and Cognition
- GeoVisual Analytics and Multivariate Big Data Mapping
- Topographic Mapping, Generalization and Updates
- Collaborative Mapping, VGI and Crowdsourcing
- Thematic Cartography, Atlas Cartography and Mapping Statistical Data
- Internet Mapping and Storytelling with Maps
- Map Production and Geoinformation Management
- Location Based Services and Location Based Social Media
- Virtual reality, augmented reality and 3D mapping
- Cartographic Education and Online Cartography Courses
- Cartography and Sustainable Development Goals
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